The Jones’s

Created by Dolores 4 years ago

Having been a life long friend of Garys since the age of five, I have been involved in most aspects of his life with exception of his life in Australia. However this is a tribute to Carolyn so the least said about those early years the better!

I was fortunate to be present at their marriage, which typical of Gary was a secret ceremony as all film celebrities are want to do? There was only Carolyn, Gary, Marie(Carolyns best friend) and myself present and that was only due to the fact that they needed two witnesses by law. This however was advantages to them because I could also for-fill the roll of official photographer as I had a very good SLR camera.

At the time I was working for Arabs and was able to supply the wedding vehicle, a White Rolls Royce, another reason for them allowing Garys “Lame Brain Friend” to attend? Well the day went according to plan and I was there busy taking photos of all the important events for posterity. We went from the registry office to the West End and had a very long Wedding Breakfast in a well known expensive Italian Restaurant including copious amounts of wine, Carolyn was not backwards in drinking in those days, in fact she could out drink any wayard sailor!

Throughout the festivities I tried to record the events with my trusty SLR but inebriation was becoming  a serious problem, however being the consummate professional I felt it necessary for there to be photos of all events, beside there was always the chance of blackmail?

The night eventually ended and I picked up the tab and proceeded to drive everyone to their respective destinations, which involved at one stage asking Marie to sit in the backseat to make look like a chauffeur service, “I was not Well”!

The next day I retrieved the camera from the Rolls as I wanted to get the film developed ASAP, only to discover that the film had snapped during loading. So to my horror I was forced to tell the newlyweds that there was no photographic records of their momentous day. All things considered they were very understanding? I don’t remember who but they did have a Polaroid snap on the steps of the Registry Office but they never let me forget my catastrophe>

I loving memory for a friend....Roger


My name is Dolores, I am married to Roger, best man and wedding photographer extraordinaire [not]

I first met Carolyn and Gary on Boxing day 1983, they were hosting a lunch and unbeknownst to me I wasnt actually invited as Roger forgot to mention that he had a girlfriend and he was bringing her along. To be honest I didn’t notice any awkwardness as they were the consummate hosts and continued to be for many years to come.

I have a lot of memories so this could well turn into a badly written Marion Keyes novel so will curtail my ramblings.

I worked in London as a nurse and i took Carolyn to meet the surgeon who told her she had 3 years to live unless she had the ‘Commando’ operation so called because amongst the profession it was known as ‘none but the brave’ who went through with it, he also said she would never eat, speak or talk again normally. WELL he was only one of the many doctors who she put two fingers up to and commenced on a journey that left the medics confounded and friends and colleagues imspired.

You rewrote the books darling, well done.

When you were recovering at home I moved in [to this day don’t know why] as the girls did the nursing, i suspect it was for entertainment purposes, you became my mentor, i had just moved into management and was dealing with a difficult situation, you advised and tutored and looked forward to my daily updates. I always had a glass of wine whilst you had a vile meal replacement milkshake.

Your tenacity always astounded me and when i personally needed courage you were my inspiration.

Slan agat, Dolores, xxxxx