My inspiration, my mentor and my friend

Created by Nicola 4 years ago

I first met Carolyn in the early summer of 2001. My eldest son Oliver suffered with severe eczema that wasn't being helped with conventional medicine and during a visit to the baby clinic I happened to overhear another mum talking about a homeopath and how they had helped with her child. I managed to get the health visitor to agree to finding out Carolyn's details and called her for an appointment.

I knew at that first meeting that I had met someone very special. Carolyn's passion, knowledge and energy for homeopathy was infectious and this never wavered in all the years that I knew her. It wasn't an easy path and Oliver's treatment took time and patience but we got there. When Maxwell arrived I continued to put my faith in homeopathy and Carolyn.

Her complete faith in enabling the body to regain a balance inspired me to look further into homeopathy and with Carolyn's encouragement and support I made the decision to train to be a homeopath. During the four years training, Carolyn offered guidance, insight and support which I will be forever grateful for. Once qualified we would share experiences and observations about homeopathy and  I would listen, learn and absorb the nuggets of wisdom that she offered. During these years our professional relationship grew into a deep friendship as we shared experiences and I (hopefully) supported her with homeopathy during the onslaught of operations and treatment plans whilst she bravely stood her ground with the medical fraternity. 

We would spend hours sitting on the window seat, a pile of books between us whilst we wrestled with ideas and theories or just sat chatting and reminiscing about childhood antics or teenage angst with the thread of homeopathy a constant presence. We would disagree on things with Carolyn dismissing my view in her very unique way! "Nah" she would say whilst offering a different opinion to mine and we would squabble and then laugh. I loved her wicked sense of humour and would often tell her to stop raising her eyebrows at me, always a sign of disapproval! Oh and that look! If you've been on the receiving end you know exactly what I mean!

Her love for her family was without bounds. Her pride and love for Julia and Carly was unconditional and to see her with Phoebe and the connection that they had was very special.

Her bravery unquestionable.

I miss those precious times that we shared and I miss you Carolyn. You were my inspiration, my mentor and my wonderful friend. I will be forever in your debt for what you showed me, shared with me and gave me as a friend.

I have absolute faith you are continuing to tell people what they need to do and are still no doubt raising your eyebrows!

Fly high special one, I love you and miss you loads.
