The Amazing Carolyn

Created by Helen 3 years ago

It has taken me a long time to write this. I still can not believe I am writing about Carolyn and that she is not going to bounce back one more time.


I first met Carolyn 22 years ago when I took my son to see the amazing Carolyn. That moment changed my life in so many ways. I had found the person who I totally trusted to look after my family's health. She was our 'go to' for everything and always had the right answer. As my children got older they would visit Carolyn on their own. I am so grateful that they had someone who they could confide in. She was the best homeopath and guide they could have had. Tristan could never understand how Carolyn would know things about him that no one else knew. On one occasion she even wrote something about him on a piece of paper before he arrived and showed him during his consultation "How did she know??" - she just did - amazing. Beth just loved going to see Carolyn and always found her fascinating.


Professionally I am so lucky to have worked with Carolyn. For so many years Carolyn was always so generous with her knowledge. Always available to discuss mutual patients and share ideas with. I think we made a great team for our patients. I really miss that.


I treated Carolyn throughout her battle with cancer. It is with great sadnesses that we did not manage to beat it together. It is a great testimony to her how on so many occasions she would bounce back from a crisis. She astounded many people many times. She would always say "what do they know" and would carry on ..... This I am sure kept her going for so many years. Truly inspirational.


Carolyn fought so hard to be with her girls Carly and Julia, and more recently her beloved grandchildren all of whom she was so proud. I used to get regular messages updating me on what Phoebe was up to.


Gary thank you for being her "Saint" here. You were amazing at staying calm and sorting everything out so that Carolyn would able to be Carolyn xx


Carolyn thank you for being so much to me; friend, guide and mentor.


Miss you always


Helen xx